Right-to-left support

UIkit supports right-to-left languages and allows you to switch the orientation of all design elements.

The RTL version switches the orientation of UIkit design elements, including properties such as floats, text-align, position coordinates, direction of background shadows and more. However, all classes that are explicitly named *-left or *-right stay the same in the RTL version.


To use UIkit in RTL mode, use uikit.rtl.min.css which is included in the dist/ folder. Make sure to add the dir="rtl" attribute to the <html> tag of your website. The JavaScript supports RTL by default, so you can include the regular JS files without changing anything.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="rtl">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/uikit.rtl.min.css" />
        <script src="js/uikit.min.js"></script>

Take a look at the available components and just create markup as usual. There is no difference when working with the RTL version.

Compile from source

If you setup UIkit from Github source, you can also compile the RTL version of UIkit yourself. This will include any custom UIkit theme you have created in the custom/ directory.

yarn compile-rtl

The resulting files are now located in the dist/ folder and end with *.rtl.css. The JavaScript files stay the same as with the default LTR version.